Thursday 10 January 2008

Diets: The most self-indulgent fad going.

There is something about the clock striking midnight every new year’s eve that inspires some sort of positive attitude in all of us.

And as hard as we really do try to stick to our guns “this time around”, there is something which we love more than to keep resolutions: temptation.

Like every other female on the planet, my resolution was to eat healthier (translation: not look like the Michelin Man anymore. Diet. Diet. Diet!) And 2 days into January, with the willpower of Augustus Gloop in a candy store, I headed straight for the vending machine. Grade for effort….F.

If anything, the month of January signifies a new beginning, and a new “you” but it surprises me that as of yet, no advertising slogan has read “Change someone else’s life this New Year.” How selfish that we must continually think about nothing but ourselves year after year when the extra digit is added to the calendar.

And hey, maybe we don’t need to diet ladies! Ok, if you’re half a tonne, then I would recommend low fat options, but for the rest of us, curves are back. Celebs get nothing but stick for their bony physique and even Calvin Harris likes his "Iddy Biddy weight girls". So I ask, what’s wrong with a bit of wobble?

Punishing ourselves for an unattainable goal is not only a waste of our time and effort, but also money. The amount of Slim-Fasts sold in January must be sky-high and the amount of women that actually use them in a healthy balanced diet as recommended probably amounts to a tiny fraction. Every faded soap star to have left TV suddenly re-emerges with a workout video to exploit the insecurities of those women with a bit of holiday weight. So how about ignoring them this year? Be happy with what you have, and concentrate on what others don’t. Do something for your parents. For charity. Or just smile once a day to a stranger. It sounds as if I am about to burst into song, but the sincerity is there.

How about, this year, you make your resolutions, to do something for someone else for a change? C’mon girls, you can’t have eaten that many mince pies over the holiday! And if you fail at this resolution, at least you did it for a good cause. Mission accomplished. Roll on February.

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